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Posted By MBravard

Both staff GB/FB and staff strikeouts have a huge impact on the value of chances per game.

If you look at Andruw Jones, Finley, Edmonds and other rangy CF you will see that they get solid range ratings from PB every year. This shows me that the calculations we use are effective. The ratings vary somewhat from year to year unlike other games like SOM and APBA which WOULD award Hunter a perfect rating EVERY YEAR because of his "reputation".

Sorry Hunter owners but PB ratings algorithms do not go along with conventional thinking in the case of Tori. Watching Hunter and looking at raw stats would lead most to believe he is as good as he looks---but the positioning and first step are far more important to range than what the naked eye can see. Witness Ripken's long and great defensive career at SS with no speed and the looks of a 3B...

Mike Bravard (PB)