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Stealing in a SIM

Posted By MBravard

Two things to keep in mind:
1. Both the robot and human manager are aware of the throwing arm of the catcher and go by the numbers. This is not true in real life and therefore the best catchers will have better success throwing out runners in real life when a better cross section of base stealers try to steal.
2. A 9.9 rating is a numeric representation used to differentiate players on a bsis of 0-10. Piazza's 0.5 rating reflects that his performance is near the bottom of MLB catchers while IRod's 9.9 reflects he is at the very top. The numeric value of these ratings does not factor into the play result---only that catcher's SB percentage factored in with the runner's and the pitcher's performance on steal plays.

Mike Bravard (PB)