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Damn Lies & Statistics

Posted By T hart

In a round about convoluted way, I guess you're making my point.

In your previous post, you go through your intricate equations and permutations and end up with, "If Finley palyed for Minnesota he would have taken away 59 more hits than Tori Hunter." However, in Minnesota, in Cf, where Hunter plays, ONLY 40 balls actually fell in for hits. Hunter caught 349 out of 389 opportunities. Where would Finley have found these additional 19 fly balls, (assuming of course that he caught every other one hit in his zone.)

It's nice to try to factor in things like ball park, pitchers, and the like into a players ratings, but my questin remains, "How do you catch something that's NOT hit your way!!? When you've answered that, I'll understand the system now in use.

If you want to add balance, why not take into effect the DH in a pitchers ERA. More than ballpark, the 9th hitter influences the additional .5 earned run average in the American League over the National League. When calculating that, why aren't all NL pichers forced to add .5 ERA for the purpose of accuracy.

Hope I've stirred the pot and some interest