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Early responses to Contraction comments...

Posted By MBravard

1. CL20 has only one opening in the non-dh league and will not contract unless another drop happens. This may occur or their may be a league switch.
2. Contraction will occur well before spring drafts and we will eamil all leagues about timing of draft.
3. New PB calculation (see post) will be in force so that number of players on a team will not be a factor. Managers who drop players which stenghten their team PB valuation will do so at their own risk but there is little we can do to prevent this kind of gamesmanship.
4. I will listen to pleas of non-contraction such as has been put forth in K17 but will need a powerfull consensis to not contract.
5. It is feasable to make 20 team leagues 24 team leagues in the future through an expansion draft but with so many openings the short term solution is contraction at the expense of 24 team TRAD leagues.
6. There have been two worthy suggestions to help parity. Onwe is to not use serpentine method and the other is to disregard wins in 2002. I would appreciate comments on these two ideas and will post for comments.

Mike Bravard (PB)