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My Two Cent/Vote

Posted By Chuck Mick

Draft style-I vote for NONE serpentine. reason for that is what this is all about Parity. let the weaker teams get stronger..having a none-serpentine draft would do just that and also make unmanaged teams better thus more appealing to be picked up.

K17-I am in two of the leagues you plan to contract, One I understand it needs it as its a dead league but K17 doesnt fit the bill its a healthy active fun league. Plus got to figure on overflow...some managers like myself who strongly perfer 24 team leagues will join what remains of the 24 team leagues so they should fill up. Lastly I think its alot easier to contract a league then going from a 20 to 24 team league would be very interesting if not impossible so onced you contract most likely they will stay that way.

What teams get the top pick in expansion draft would go by I guess either PB value or standing? That is a tricky call. I vote for teams total P.B. value I.E. lowest gets top pick in a none-serpentine draft order or have you rookie type draft style.
