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Beating a dead horse -- more on the Torii saga

Posted By Garth

Fans voted Torii Hunter "Defensive Player of the Year" in a survey on His play to rob Bonds in the Allstar game was voted Play of the Year (illustrating the power of national tv).

"He'll be mentioned with some of the greatest outfielders ever in the game," Twins skipper Ron Gardenhire said after Hunter won a 2002 Gold Glove.

Obviously, Gardenhire does not appreciate that good CFs can cover the lines much better that Hunter does. If only Gardenhire would look at his staff's GB/FB ratio, he would realize what a slug Torii really is. :)

(I am truly writing this with a chuckle, but seerioussly, shouldn't the formula be reconsidered? Fans, GGlove voters, his manager,, sportswriters, raw stats and STATS' Zone rating all say he has great range. PB says terrible range because of the team's GB/FB ratio.)