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Time To Act

Posted By Patrick

First...I also think we need to move NOW...while we have the flexibility of getting things done with some sort of thought process. All kind of scenarios have been debated for over a month and everyone is sitting on their hands waiting for things to happen. Let's decide on leagues being contracted and form a draft pool. That will give affected managers some time to see the players and form a draft list. Then decide on draft order and set a draft date. All other proposals (like an effective CAP and roster limits)should be announced at the start of the year and then implemented at the end of the season...then no one can complain (even though some still will).

Second...I too am impressed with some of the analysis (over anlaysis at times) of some of the owners associated with this game. Either, they take it much more seriously than many of us or their brains are twice as big most of ours (maybe both). Anyway, the posts are fun to read and it keeps the rest of us from having to use the weakest muscle in our body (ow!)