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Picking the Value for The Cap

Posted By Tim A.

I still believe that the proposed PB value cap should be implemented at the 125-130% level. I believe that the 120% level would impact too many teams... and some of the teams impacted would have to lose too much talent.

Look at the MLB model. The top handful of teams are above a 130% threshold. Do we really want PB to penalize 5 teams in every league every year for having amassed too much talent?

Also... an ALTERNATIVE suggestion:

Instead of computing a different value for every league individually (sounds like a lot of book-keeping to me) could we consider an algorithm (for a 20 team league) that computes the value of the top (27*20 =) 540 players in purebaseball for that particular year and then applies a cap based on a specific percentage of that total. What this approach would do is provide a uniform cap accross all leagues in any given year which would make it easier to evaluate than having a different cap in every league. A 24 team league would modify the above formula as appropriate.