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Response to Tim A. PB Socialism/long read

Posted By Chuck

clearly your right there is the far right which your now the leader of PB wise:) saying" keep things fair/even and let the best man win" vs the socialist to extreem socialism saying "lets penalize succes or reward failure" to even things out. But you have to realize if PB ran as you suggested the same guys would win every year(cause they are the best)...true it would be fair and the best man wins but you might find only ones left are the best and onced you go head to head with the best you might see what its like to be the rest or have you some insight in to why some hold to SOME socialist views. So I choose the middle ground but a tad to the right if we let the PB socialist have their way we'd pretty much be playing a PB 160 game LAUNCH LEAUGE(you called that one right) . I respect hearing what you said Tim A. as it was really needed, things are starting to get a bit out of hand....people are complaining about every aspect of the game but in truth saying please make it so everyone has a chances to be a 500% team, how fun will that be? I think the funniest thing is they want a SIMMS game to be 100% like real baseball...which means what? Everything a player did in real life they should do here in SIMMS, ok that would mean per at bat they would duplicate their performance chronologicly now how fun would that be along with how impossible vs a pitcher who has per batter face stats in a chronological order? I realize I am using an extreem example but to make a point. Purebaseball is the best game out nothing comes close, I think owners here should look at the parameters of PB and build their team accordingly then try to build PB accourding to their team or team(S) and personality...that is what this is really coming down to, owners want to change PB to benefit their team(TEAMS) not PB. For an example...if by luck you have a great outfielder who can play SS then go for it and I bet because of that your get a very good offer for him in trade if by chances you have Curt Schilings who was one of the best pitchers in MLB but because of his average clutch will NOT be one of the best pitchers in with the luck of the draw. I am not that comfortable with people voting on issues here as FEW VOTE % wise and those who do- vote to benefit their teams parameters. I am all for owners expressing opinions on any subject that is important to them that they feel would benefit PB with the goal of making it more balanced fun. In the end I would like to see any changes built in to the game then policed between division rivals IE other owners... in the end its like shuting the gate after the cow is out..what can you do after the game is over? but if the game stops it before it starts then no bad blood between owners/pointing fingers/feeling cheated. I've personally complained about somethings the GAME allows owners to do but never have complained about OWNERS who do what the game allows them to do as to avoid making things personal and that is where I FEAR all these new rule changes are heading...too many and policed by opponents/division rivals then build in to the game which would stop problems before they start thus no problems. I played in the last Launch league 4 and went 41-9(Hanover Ravens)... a few other owners response to my success.. "it was that I used Todd Walker at SS all year" and protested that fact. My response was Todd Walker was rated at SS so I'll play him there if I well please to benefit my team, infact I'll do anything PB game allows me to do to benefit my team UNLESS the downside is more then the upside- why keep score if winning is not important? In closing this thought out, whatever rules are make I'll find a way to work those parameters to my teams advantagouse but just make sure they are built in to the game so we're not all pointing fingers,fighting and feeling cheated I.E. make a game that wont let it happen and it cant happen(notice I keep saying that:). and<