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FA Draft Order - Response from technical!

Posted By John Meredith

Hi All, Since Mike is on the road, I did a little checking. The Draft Order is indeed Random, and different from last seasons order, at least in the 5 leagues that I cecked, including any that were mentioned in the posts. The Draft Order itself was run on Friday early afternoon. This is a change from previous seasons. Usually it get run on Saturday AFTER cuts to 27. It was done early to give everyone more time to think about who to draft. This may have lead to some of the confusion over the list looking the same on Saturday as it did friday night. It was the same. Asfar as the order not changing from before the random order was selected, this is unlikey. Before the pick order is generated, the list is just up there unsorted straight out of SQL. There is definately a Random process that slots each team in a pick order. Once again that process occured on friday instead of Saturday this year, and I'm sure that is what has lead to confussion. If you have any further questions about this feel free to drop me an email at

John Meredith