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Um, I did others who spoke up afterward

Posted By Jon

I was aware of the problem and made the original post here Saturday afternoon. Brian B. backed me with the same findings later in the afternoon.

On that very long thread, I was told a variety of things from other members here, basically telling me to "shut up" and that I had "sour grapes because my picks weren't good", "my eyes were fooling me" (ie. "shell game", 3 card monty), "it's still random", "it doesn't matter", etc etc. I find it funny that once you verified the problem on Monday, everyone that trashed me is having to eat crow.

Since the draft was supposed to be run Saturday, and the problem was noticed the same day, I think there was ample time to shuffle the draft order as it should have been (it's not like we aren't used to minor delays). I don't care if the names had to be drawn out of a hat for each league because the reprogramming would take too long...the draft order needed to be different than the one we looked at for the last 3 months. Satarday night an email could have went out, saying that the current order is not final and the draft order will be re-run. If that had happened, everyone would have plenty of time to edit their draft lists before a Tuesday draft (assuming the actual draft isn't delayed).

This whole incident kind of shined a light on a big problem here. In it's current form, the PB game, website, database seems almost like a beta version of what we could be seeing from this game. Obviously, it's well known that the time and resources aren't there to fix things (which is fine, and understandable)...but the active and dedicated users should be looked at as a valuable resource since they have basically been paying to beta test Purebaseball for the past several years. If the input about obvious bugs, errors or other problems isn't taken serious, and an easy fix isn't done to correct the problem (as it coule have been this weekend) then that's disappointing. With only 2 people running the show, the dozen's of hard core PB owners should be used to help fix some of these problems when they crop up from time to time.


PS. Not to change the subject, but is something being done about the memory leak in the actual PB application? It's been almost 3yrs since the last PB application update (5/8/00) and if this memory leak could be patched up, I would estimate that it would reduce the amount of reset requests by 90% or more. I can remember before the last update (the one to fix cheaters, preventing you from closing the application and resuming the game) I could run home series for all of my teams, without rebooting, and not crashing the game (all on a computer 1/10 the speed that we have now). In fact, I can't even recall having a game crash or needing a reset before that last update. To avoid the crashing problem now, I have to reboot my Athlon 2200+, 512MB, WinXP Pro computer after each game and every game in order to not have the game dump. Even doing that, the really long and drawn out games with multiple subs will likely see a crash.