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Not looking for an apology, just information

Posted By Fred Cline

I wasn't attacking your effort or expecting an apology, as I understand the situation is tough at the moment. In short, I wasn't complaining, and wasn't looking for a "we'll do better" response, but I wanted dialog, and I'd like people on this board to recognize criticism/concern is not the same as complaint. I think many valid concerns don't get addressed, in part because many folks in their efforts to support the game and Mike brush asside issues as complaints.

I wish, Mike, that you would take the time to explain in greater detail what your long term plans are, and where you are with them. And maybe be more specific about why revenues aren't supporting more development, what exactly are some of the programming issues are that are holding things back, and so on.

For instance I'd love to look at the stats across leagues and actually do an organized analyis to see how stable the stats are, see if we can find areas that are doing well and identify ones that could be improved. And I think this info would be beneficial to you as well as us owners.

I've made the comment before and I'll make it again - if you want this to be an open, collaborative community, then you need to put all the issues out there as openly as possible, and let us help you. If you do that, relying on the "patience and support" answer is valid, as is viewing this as a joint effort where our money is going to support the venture.

But the less we hear from you about what is going on, and the longer it goes with no update to the game and the many ideas that have been proposed here - from the simple like changing league names to the more complex like temp ownership of teams - that go unimplemented, the more we are put in a business to customer dynamic. And in that dynamic, "patience and support" is less valid.

In other words - I feel like we are expected to be a community when things are struggling, but when the time comes when as a community we want things to happen, we are treated as customers.

Just my thoughts.

Fred Cline