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entry level idea?

Posted By mbravard

Thanks for your note!
The entry level game I have been working on would have non-SIM and SIM players playing our game in literaly minutes from when they logged on to our web site and with a team they drafted and in an interesting competition! This would revolutionize the process of getting people involved in the game. In the past waiting for a Launch league to fill and drafting for 2- weeks turned off far too many prospective managers used to choosing a game and playing NOW.

I believe we would be pissing in the wind until we can make a real splash. At which point we could have a full time staff and do REAL customer service and RETAIN our new hard-earned managers.

There are ways to come up with money to do marketing, but I have seen too much money wasted trying to get people to try SIM over the years. I woudl like to do it right for once!

This is the best Hobby for guys like us. And we all know there are a lot of us out there.

At tis point my plan is to not contract RT and find the easiest way possible todeal with the unmanaged teams.
Possibly having a friend of mine field trades during prescribed "trading periods" for unmanaged teams. Only the best trade offers that helped the unmanaged teams in the future would be accepted.

Mike Bravard (PB)