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I can see the writing...

Posted By T Hart

...on the wall. There will be no contraction. But, to those who have insisted that 24 teams leagues are superior to 20 team leagues, let me say; I agree with you. 100 %. Your argument that the talent becomes concentrated is accurate, but it helps to make my point that contraction is a good idea. When there are 6 or 7 teamt that are inactive, you are effectively playing in a 17 or 18 team league. If less teams equate less competition and less need for talent, doesn't this hold true for less than 20? By the way, who sanctified the number 24 anyway? If you want the availability of talent to recapitulate major league ball, there should be 32 teams - not 24. If spreading talent helps to make the game more interesting, where is the clamoring for expansion?