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Zone ratings for this year and last

Posted By KenG

Last year, Hunter got to 349 out of 389 balls for a zone rating of .899(terrible, by the way)

This year, Hunter got to 139 out of 145 balls for a zone rating of .965(very good, by the way).

All defensive ratings are done by the numbers. Maybe defensive ratings could be done like ball park ratings where you consider the current year as 66% of the rating, while using the previous year for 33% of the rating. This would take out some of the peaks and valleys that some players might get.

The other thing this might do is allow players to play one more year at a position he was rated at the previous year. If a guy was rated a 6 at 1B the previous year, but didn't play there this year, he would be a rating of 2 at 1B for the current year.
(66% x 2) + (33% x 6) = 2 rating