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COmments please on this trade offer!

Posted By Doc

Personally I think it doesn't help my team enough to trade Bonds, among other things. I do need a catcher and 3rdbaseman, and Bonds is getting old, but to me it's Bonds/Washburn/Mohr and SNow for Boone/Floyd/LaRue/ Seo.
I don't think it's close. RealTime league.
Maybe I'm overvaluing Bonds, but I don't think so. I proposed a Bonds/Stynes or Snow/Zaun or Redman for Boone/Texiera/LaRue and was told I'd need to put Carlos Delgado in for Texiera...AM I MISSING something?
This is why I hate trading, all this haggling's a waste of time. No knock here for the opposing manager, he's a good guy, your opinions are for me..maybe I'm loosingit!

Aaron Boone From Northern Canucks To Boston Teeth
Juan Encarnacion From Northern Canucks To Boston Teeth
Cliff Floyd From Northern Canucks To Boston Teeth
Jason LaRue From Northern Canucks To Boston Teeth
Jae Weong Seo From Northern Canucks To Boston Teeth
Tony Clark From Northern Canucks To Boston Teeth
Gregg Zaun From Boston Teeth To Northern Canucks
Chris Stynes From Boston Teeth To Northern Canucks
Barry Bonds From Boston Teeth To Northern Canucks
Dustan Mohr From Boston Teeth To Northern Canucks
Jarrod Washburn From Boston Teeth To Northern Canucks
J.T. Snow From Boston Teeth To Northern Canucks

Thanks alot!