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This Nice New Option

Posted By Tim Shine

Isn't it great that John M. went to the trouble of devising a means of having games played by unmanaged teams ASAP to get them out of the way.

This is also an option for teams with managers who either don't play their home games or can't play them until after now (7:15 pm EDT - Monday).

I'm sitting here with 10 teams who are away and no games have been played. WHY???? I have emailed each manager and reminded them of the new option. I left a message like this on this board last week but it is not visited by all managers - in fact, I would bet that not all managers even read the red Commish posts.

I realize that I have a large number of teams (34) but less than half (16) were away last week. That means that 62% of my away teams have not had their games played yet. I never liked that before but it is now inexcusable with this new option. If John M. ever gets the roster change mode working it will help but right now I'm looking at 10 rosters that I have to manipulate either Tuesday or Wednesday night. Not the way I want to spend (nor can I spend in some cases) my evenings.

If anyone else agrees with me, let's see some chatter.
