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I want it NOW!!!

Posted By DaveF

I agree I'm frustrated when it always seems to be Tuesday night before the results come out.

That said...

Until we can make roster moves before late Tuesday night, it's more impatience on my part than any real value to getting the games played earlier isn't it?

I can't change my default piching settings, change my lefty/righty lineups, set lineups for games to come (assuming I'm bringing up guys from the minors); until ALL the games are played which is always till at least Tuesday night.

Am I missing something? Is there value in knowing the results early or is it just that I'm frustrated checking the results and finding out nothing has happened?

I wish that once you had played YOUR game, you could make roster moves; but then you would still have to wait until Tuesday night for the stats to be updated, wouldn't you? Still, just being able to get roster moves done would help for those times when I don't have Wed. night available to me for PB.

Until that change is made, I don't see a real value to having the results come in early...but it sure would be nice anyway.

Is there any value if you can't make roster moves early?