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OPS debate

Posted By Mike Bravard

Brian is not alone in his argument about multiplying rather than adding slugging and on base percentages.
No less an authority than Bill James (an old SIM-ball rival of mine in the mid 70's) calculates his RUNS CREATED statistic by essentially multiplying the ability to reach base with the ability to "create" bases---and has been criticized for it.

The counter argument to multiplying slugging and on base is that it creates inequities when the slugging percentage and the on base percentage diverge greatly.

A player with .400 on base and a .400 slugging yields a .16 value when multiplying.
A player with .250 on base and a .550 slugging percentage yields a .1375 value.

The fact that the on base percentage and slugging percentage of a player are more alike yields higher results when multiplying. I can’t see how this particular law of mathematics relates to relative value on the baseball field.

The quote included by Brian would make more sense if it did not bring the stolen base into the discussion. The steal has no affect whatsoever on OPS as it has no bearing on either slugging or on base percentages..

Perhaps someone can make the case? I have never read James’ answer to critics who believe his multiplying in RUNS CREATED create illusionary disparities between players.

Mike Bravard