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Am I the only one thinking that it may be time to get out?

Posted By Perry W.

I love this game and have played it for the last 7 or 8 years. Currently, I own 6 teams and have both traditional and real-time teams.

Lately, I have started questioning if I want to keep making a such a substantial financial contribution every month to this product. There have been very few, if any, improvements to the game or site in quite some time.

I definitely understand that Mike and the other people involved are very busy people. I appreciate the work they have done to make this a great game to play.

But, that being said, there is very little consistency to the way things are done. I think back to the start of the Real-Time season. There is no reason that there should be any debate as to when it should start, this date should be set in stone and followed every year. Now there is no FA draft this month and I think this really sucks. I missed the last one because there were no reminders about it until the night before. This is very inconsistent. Plus, there has not been a Launch League in ages. It is very hard to keep interested in a game that never really improves.

Honestly, I think it is time for PureBaseball to step up and do one of two things, or both. First, they need to start implementing the long talked about improvements. Second, if they are not going to do this soon, they need to change the pricing structure for this game.

There are so many other options out there. Granted, they are not as fun as PB, but they are also not as pricey as PB.

Am I the only one that is thinking this way? If I am, I will definitely be getting out.