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Posted By Bob C

While game improvments would be a nice touch I personally do not feel they are necessary to hold my interest. I do have some serious concerns about the future viability of PB. Don and others have presented compelling evidence of possible collusion and I think this issue needs to be resolved asap. If managers do not believe there is integrity in the competition than this product is doomed. A second concern is that those individuals who run PB (Mike B and whomever) seem to have a difficult time maintaining the published schedule. The games are often not turned on until late Thur afternoon or eve. Road results against unmanaged teams or inactive managers often are not complete until late Tue afternoon or eve. This causes roster changes to be delayed. Sometimes trades are not posted until Wed. All this makes it difficult to plan when a manager will be able to play games or send instructions. This is especially true when you manage multiple teams as many of us do. Third, there is the issue of trade approval. We need a clear policy and it needs to be followed. Inconsistency in this area can only craete dissatisfaction. Fourth, except under all but the most extraordinary circumstances seasons, drafts, trading deadlines etc. need to begin and end on time. Fifth, launch leagues can be fun but I do not think they are crucial to PB's future. However once begun I strongly believe the league should be allowed to finish. I believe PB ownership owes the managers involved a world series! I am sure there are other issues as well but these are the ones that come to mind right now. Overall I think Mike has a great product and I am not ready to leave PB. However I do think improvements in the areas listed above would go a long way to making it an even better product. Mike has gotten some help this season. In Mike's absence, Duane Johnson has twice responded to my requests for help in a timely fashion. I think that finding enough help to make the game run smoothly and sorting out the collusion issue need to be PB's top priorities. I have been with PB from the beginning and with CSN before that as many of you have. Let's not give up!