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Re: Costs

Posted By Kevin

As a non-founder, I was always curious how a small number of owners could afford 10-20 teams.

---what should be the extent of the reward we offer founders? As a caveat be forwarned that there always will be some reward offered.

If free teams had been promised to founders, I think that promise should be kept. If pricing is rearranged, I think it may be reasonable to have founders continue to pay somewhere near $30 (for however many teams that works out to under the new pricing) and have the rest continue to be free.

---what is a reasonable and marketable base monthly price for a franchise?

Whatever the pricing is, I think it's important to have a discount for multiple teams. Maybe $8.95 for the first team, $6.95 for the second, and $4.95 for every team after that. An owner with multiple teams is much less likely to walk away than an owner of a single team.

---should we consider quarterly or annual billing and not offer monthly billing?

I agree with Tim that annual billing may be tough for some people. But if it is offered as an option with some nominal discount some people may go for it. How much will annual or quarterly billing save PB in admin costs?

---what should we charge for a LLeague?

Again, I agree with Tim that the first launch league should be free, to maximize the number of people getting exposure to the game. It may be tough to enforce though - how can you prove that it is someone's first LL? It may be easier to charge a nominal fee (i.e. $2.95) and have it go towards a team should they decide to join up.

It would be a good idea to allow owners who have above a certain number of teams (i.e. 3 or 4) to have one free LL at any time. A good mix of veterans and recruits will ensure the LL runs well and has some good enthusiasm on the team bulletin boards.