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Not True

Posted By Brian B.

You accuse me of harassing you. You went after an owner for sac bunting too much for your liking, less than once a game but nonetheless enough for you to decide they were tanking. I have rebutted/challenged your statements that have been made on this bulletin board. When one writes an opinion on a bulletin board it is certainly not harassment when someone offers a different opinion.
Your post is a collection of arguments that make no sense. I'll address them point by point :

"I'm not purposely putting Piazza in LF to lose ballgames"
No one accused you of that but your argument that going against the spirit of the rules in order to win doesn't work. Cheating to win stinks too.

"7 intentional walks IS done to lose ballgames and in my opinion (AS WELL AS OTHERS) an outrageous number of sacs is done for the same reason."
It seems to be in general agreement that the excessive intentional walks was tanking. No one is arguing that. The sac bunt issue is certainly not clear and you and the others have aright to your opinion, but I stand by my contention that you have no right to confront this manager.

In earlier posts you wrote "What I think is really telling here is that the manager left after I started pushing the subject. Interesting." and "It was a managed team until I started posting these kind of messages." and finally "I found it interesting that he LEFT after being confronted.
No rebuttal message. No nothing. He could have just sent a message out stating his case. He just disappeared. If he was mad I would think he would have at least told me off. Nope. Of course,
if he felt like he was caught then he might just take off."

You take it as proof of guilt that he didn't wan't to get into a flame war over an internet baseball game and some guy who was accusing him of cheating because he sac bunts with his worst hitters .75 times a game. It could just as reaonably be concluded that he felt he'd stumbled into a gathering of lunatics and ditched PB rather than deal with this kind of crap. I think you are wrong on your conclusion and that you have no right to confront him over this.

"You have a strong opinion about me and what I'm doing...guess're doing the same thing to me that I did to that team!
Talk about a hypocrit!"

Wrong again. I had no opinion about you coming into this and since you put it on the PB bulletin board then you'd better be prepared to hear a respectfully submitted dissent. Your argument of "oh yeah, so are you" would embarass an elementary school child with it's simplicity.