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Pricing, etc.

Posted By FWhite

In response to your inquiry, I provide the following:
1. A $7.00 base price will allow me to pick up another team and encourage new players to join.
2. I agree with a reduced price for Founders and the $2.00 figure after the first 3 teams seems very reasonable. The $4.00 price for non-founders also seems reasonable. But why not encourage even more participation by giving a price break after the first 2 teams rather than 3 teams. I know that for me if the price break came after 2 teams instead of 3, I would probably pick up a couple more teams even if the price break for Founders went to $3.00 and for non-Founders to $5.00.
3. Billing quarterly with an option for annual billing at a discount rate makes alot more business sense than the monthly process, but there may be participants who insist on the monthly convenience. If this issue causes a loss of revenue by existing participants leaving, then obviously it's not worth the change.
4.LL's have not been very enjoyable to me after I became familiar with the game. However, I think they're great for newcomers as a way to learn about PB. The price for newcomers has to be attractive so they won't even give it a second thought. Get them in the door and let them experience this great game along with the proposed pricing structure and they're likely to stay. Pricing for existing PB members also should be very low since it's limited as far as games played and does not have any perpetual involvement. LL's can be an effective Marketing device of PB but the price has to be "a real bargain". To me LL's have to be the "super on-sale item" which will bring in the customer. After that the game will sale itself to real baseball fans.