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Tanking and Other Stuff

Posted By GSH

The dialog on these issues is all well and good; however, judging when someone has tanked is, for many reasons problematic:

Usage factors.

Robot Behavior in previous games.

Abandonment of Team/Neglect of Rooster's.
*See Dwight's Team's

Consideration for future opponents.



Just to name a few that immediately come to mind.

But to address the idea of another lottery in our drafting process, I am against it.

What if your teams REALLY stink, and you have played fairly to earn this?

A lottery is just not equitable in these situations; additionally, a random lottery approach is already a hardship in the annual FA draft.

Last year, one of my teams lost almost 100 games, easily in the bottom 10% of all teams in this league, and my annual FA pick was number 13 out of 24.

I still feel the random nature of the FA Draft is hard on teams attempting to re-build.

Now, let's speak of the monthly FA Draft.

In the monthly FA draft, I have seen a team,
(that shall go nameless), cut down to 25 active so they could achieve a lower draft position by ensuring that there PB value would be lower immediately prior to the draft.

(PB value being the determining factor in the monthly FA draft when teams have an equal W-L record.)

Why was this done?

To ensure that a prime draft choice is more easily gained, especially when a young Phenom is available. This practice occurred by the aforementioned unnamed team, which can be named if popular opinion so warrants.

So, I ask: Is this Shrewd Managing? Perhaps.

My opinion: I consider this conduct very borderline, leaning toward un-ethical.

Now, my sense is that most PBer's are ethical.

One of my contemporaries, (who's team is out of contention), plays all his home games with as much attention possible, then letting the Robot fashion line-ups on the road. His rational being that he gets ENJOYMENT from managing at home, and is willing to suffer the vagaries of the Robot on the road.

Does he save borderline usage issue guys for home use? Absolutely.

Does he deny his best team on the road against a team in the struggle for a playoff spot, regardless of usage?

Unequivocally, the answer is NO.

So where does this leave us?

I believe Mike has addressed this topic with his post on Tanking. However, all ownership viewpoints need to be offered, and a cohesive strategy for adressing these issues decided.