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RE: Frustrating

Posted By Elminster

I can relate to the frustration factor. But, just like in real baseball, it usually evens out in the long haul. (a) Good pitchers have bad outings, (b) terrible pitchers occasionally pitch WAY over their career history (or even season numbers might indicate), and (c) that stiff middle infielder saves the series... Any of this sound familiar to you baseball historians???

a) Denny Neagle in last year's LCS
b) Jim Beattie, 1978 World Series --- went on to an OK career, but never equalled him dominance in this one series.
c) Brian Doyle in the 1978 World Series. Look it up. He's terrible but for a week and half in October he was a GOD

All I'm trying to say is, that's why they play the game.

~ Bill