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I Agree

Posted By Bob C

Are baseball players overpaid? Absolutely! Who do I blame? The owners! My guess is most of the PB owners are regular middle class working guys. Who among you would not accept your employer doubling or tripling your salary? Would you say "I don't think I am worth that much."? Probably not! In every beaseball labor war I have sided with the players. Perhaps I am a capatialist at heart. Why shouldn't a player take as much as the market is willing to pay? The problem as I see it are owners overspending on players who are not worth what they are paid. What the owners need is protection from themselves and in my opinion the players should not be asked to pay for that.
PS I believe that this argument also applies to many others who are paid more than they are worth like other professional athletes, movie stars, rock stars, business tycoons, etc.