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Remind me how RT rookie players list and stats are listed

Posted By S Bennettt

At this time there is a list of rookie players for the Real Time leagues. But the stats are last years. So, in theory, some, but not all of these players will actually be available for the upcoming rookie draft, right? In other words, only those players off this list that have accumulated stats so far this year? I also believe that any players that make their appearance for the first time in the majors will also be available (up to a certain designated cut off date). And lastly, stats and currently available rookies in the draft will be made available 1-2 weeks before the rookie draft begins? So, in reality, this current posted list is bound to change greatly before the real Time rookie draft. Can someone in the know confirm. I should know the answer to this because I'm one of the "ancient mariners" (been with PB since it's inception). But, I just can't recall all the details of the rookie draft.