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Agree with Can't Agree

Posted By RickO

I agree completely. I am one of those weaker teams, so it's hard to keep my objectivity.

But I just wanted to maybe give the stronger teams some perspective. I've had two season-long injuries, several other DL stints, two unexpected demotions, and a player who changed positions. On top of that, I've had a ton of extra-inning games. So, I have huge holes almost everywhere. I figure I've just had a run of bad luck, and in the long run I'll be fine.

I don't think that the weaker teams should get charity. But I gotta say, with a win pct. below .250, it's pretty miserable. I'm not even thinking about winning games; I'm just trying to field a team. I've been on both sides of success, and I've watched weaker teams consistently get the best picks, and it's nowhere near as frustrating as this. I mean, when I draft, I'm not looking for good players. I'm looking for anybody with a pulse. Your point about owners quitting is a good one, too. I'm in it for the long haul, but I don't think the same can be said for the majority.

I think Mike's idea is a good one, although, I'd stick with PB value, and not use won-loss record. That way, the draft is set more or less according to the talent on the team, and the teams with the greatest needs would get the higher picks.