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5th Starter

Posted By Mike C

I just recently started reading the discussions
here as I've decided to take the leap into a Traditional
Perpetual League and I immediately noticed one of
the major improvements players would like to see is
a day off in the schedule so their heavy inning pitchers
would get their innings in.
This was the only major problem I've seen which
I think definately needs correcting. And I believe
I have a solution which wouldnt involve altering the
schedule to 3 game series (which would eliminate the
5th starter all together basically) or adding a phantom
off day in between 5 game series.
Why not add a bigger variation to starting pitcher's
recovery rates? From what I've seen every starter
has a recovery of 8 or 9 while every spot starter is
a 7. Your horses could have recoveries of 11 or 12,
thus making it viable to start them an occasional 1st
and 5th game of a series. The starter recovery ranges
could go from say 8-12 or something. I understand
it would take some testing to find the perfect range,
but I'd be a willing guinea pig. I've seen the 1st and 5th
games started by a teams ace with the current
format some, but the horse very rarely goes more than 6.
Just a thought and I'd like to hear some opinions
and variations to the theme. Other than that, I think
this seems to be the best sim out there, and I've played
a BUNCH, board and otherwise since I was 13.

Mike C.