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Fans Perspective

Posted By Patrick

The Players Union has only 1 single objective...more money for players. The majority of baseball fans, I think, are becoming increasingly tired of guys making 1-5 million dollars (and more) a year whining and complaining about salaries. Instead of salaries tied to individual performance awards, owners should start doling out financial incentives for TEAM performance (i.e. wild card, LCS, etc.). After all, baseball is about winning games and not padding your stats. This way, players would worry not only about how they are doing but also the guy next to them. Give out huge bonuses for passing drug tests. To steer people in a direction, you need a carrot and to ML players the carrot is money. Its sad really, but that seems to be the world we live in. There are a whole LOT of players willing to take a ML players place. Stop treating these guys like Prima Donnas!