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Remember they don't play for free, they play for $30

Posted By KenG

Remember they don't play for free, they play for $30. From what I've read, most founders are willing to pay more money. From $5 to $15 more per month(15 to 50% increase).

While we are willing to pay more, most don't want to pay more than $10 more, thus teams will need to be dropped after the founders reach $40 per month(25% increase $120 for the year).

If all the founders drop teams, then we could end up with too many unmanaged teams.

Others have suggested that yes, go ahead and make an increase, but do a gradual one($35-$40 per month range) and then lets reevaluate after a couple years.

This way we see more money come in, non-founders can pick up their extra teams, we won't see a huge increase in unmanaged teams(hopefully the opposite) and all owners can see what this extra money brings to the league.