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The Wanker Speaks Again!!

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Created by Brian B, the Wanker is now a voice heard out of the wilderness and into your homes and places of work.

The Wanker is glad to see that some others are beginning to take this lack of rookie information seriously. Since nothing can possibly be done about the missing data until this weekend, at the earliest, it becomes almost a necessity to roll the drafts back by at least a week - the Wanker suggests two. Though the Wanker isn't one of these, what about managers with 6 or 8 or 10+ teams? They will presumably be paying more for this luxury. How are they to deal with that many lists input over such a short time and make sensible decisions? Even manager with one of two teams, who are diligent, will be hard pressed.

A lot of the good will and effort presented by Mike Bravard over the past month will be lost over this. The rookie draft is paramount to the GAME and is the first good will event of the season. Something must be done. Whether you are from a red or blue state or even a blue or red county within that state you must concur.

The Wanker , created by Brian B