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Everything I know about the Cap and Value change today

Posted By JohnM

Okay here is what I know about the RSI Value snafu.

A week or so ago I did the "final" update on stats. I do this on a load server. I moved the data over to the load tables on the production server and at that time I ran my cap calculations both on the existing stats and on the updated stats. This was to insure that my numbers matched up with Kens on the previous set of stats, because I believe our formulas are slightly different. The old numbers matched up. The New numbers where ~5 pts higher. (20tm 92, 24tm 82) I published this info to the leagues. At this point I failed to do the final update from the load data to the production data. This was caught by a user yesterday, and I loaded the new stats today. So that is what has happened. I leave it to Mike and you guys to decide the next course of action, as I am sure this has an effect on some of you. As a point of reference there are about 18 teams in the 27 leagues that will have to cut one or perhaps more of their highest 27 RSIValued players in order to conform to the cap stated above.
