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Fooling the Game-An Interesting Philosophical Question

Posted By BrianR

Question: Is playing by the rules (even when the rules can produce unfair outcomes) wrong?

How about catchers who 'frame' pitches outside the plate to fool the umpire; or outfielders who trap the ball and try to fake a clean catch; or even double plays when 2B is never touched and tags where the tag isn't made?

Seems to me that baseball is a game where you push the limits and so long as the officials rule in your favor, you're OK. (Can't say I like that kind of a world, but it's the one I live in.)

So in answer to my question at the top; if someone can exploit a feature of PB to his advantage, that, in my view, makes it more realistic, rather than less.

(To the credit of those that found the RP glitch, it was reported to the League for fixing - not unlike the rela-world strike zone being changed to comply with the rules.)

Finally, regarding using RP's as SP's: PB rules make it very clear that if you have a P who Sp'd in the real season he is also available for SP in PB. Can't see why anyone would object to that?