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Posted By Tim Shine

It's going to be difficult to get all managers (maybe even most) to agree to a reformation draft in most leagues. Why not start with contraction in the Real Time leagues to 20 teams. I believe that at the time of this post only one RT league has fewer than four vacancies.

This was done three or four years ago with all but two of the Trad leagues that had 24 teams and seems to have helped for the most part. Interestingly, the two Trad leagues that stayed at 24 teams (K-17 and Champ) only have two openings so those leagues maintain their interest level.

Cutting the RT leagues back from 24 to 20 teams will eliminate 40 teams and the need for 40 managers. It would be more cost effective for PB also as less time would be wasted checking up on all the unmanaged teams rosters, etc. weekly and at draft times.

If new interst sparks then additional teams can be added.

Just a thought if reorganization is seriousky considered.
