MLESS Trade:San Francisco Solons trades with Corning Glass

4/20/2006 8:31:07 AM

Michael Tucker moves from the San Francisco Seals to the Monet Storm Active Roster

Ronny Paulino moves from the San Francisco Seals to the Monet Storm Active Roster

Ryan Wagner moves from the San Francisco Seals to the Monet Storm Active Roster

Noah Lowry moves from the San Francisco Seals to the Monet Storm Active Roster

Ruben Gotay moves from the San Francisco Seals to the Monet Storm Active Roster

Prince Fielder moves from the Monet Storm to the San Francisco Seals Active Roster

Kelly Johnson moves from the Monet Storm to the San Francisco Seals Active Roster

Chris Denorfia moves from the Monet Storm to the San Francisco Seals Active Roster